Featured Image: wikipedia The answer is basically that, no, they don’t get headaches because they have sturdy jaws and small brains. Apparently full bottles strike with more force, but both can be used to break skulls. The basic conclusion of these medical researchers from Harvard and Temple Universities was that people have indeed been abducted and the primary reason was the “production of children”. We’re not even joking. A pressing question, this study features some of the most detailed statistical analyses ever performed regarding rates of defecation. After pages upon pages of thrilling suspense, the conclusion is…waxed floss. Patients prefer waxed floss. As you may have suspected (and any 3rd grader could confidently tell you) the water makes it soggy. But it’s always good to have research papers backing up your observations. The University of Denmark really went all in with this one. The answer is a resounding yes, wearing wet underwear outside during winter will definitely make you feel cold. Good to know. How can you get a leech to suck more blood? Apparently dunking it in ale or smearing it with soured cream do the trick. They can in fact! All you have to do is determine the exact wind speed at which all of a chicken’s feathers get blown off. After that you just apply some fancy mathematics and voila!…you have your answer. Of course farting makes you feel better physically, but what about mentally? Apparently it can, because according to these researchers, farting can actually prevent depression. It’s complicated. Actually, it’s so complicated that it took an entire research paper to figure it out. For all you “dry-season Costa Rican tadpole” lovers out there, you can finally put your questions to rest. They can, and they did. According to these researchers, very dangerous. And as toilets age, the danger of collapsing toilets only increases. We already know that collapsing toilets are dangerous, so how about coconuts? Canadian researchers answer our question with a resounding yes, falling coconuts have the potential to kill you. It’s something we have all tried to avoid…the inevitable attack of the shower curtain. And now we have science to rescue us, or at least explain why the curtain behaves the way it does. They do. At least according to this research paper adolescents engage in rhinotillexomania (nose picking) quite often. Karl Kruszelnicki of The University of Sydney, Australia, did an in depth survey of numerous people concerning the quantity and quality of their bellybutton lint. He found that you are more likely to have fluff if you are male, older, hairy, and have an innie belly button. When you get a used textbook and it comes with nearly everything highlighted in a gazillion colors, does it actually affect your ability to learn the material? The answer is yes, it does. Quite a bit, according to these researchers. In case you ever wondered what sort of surface is the most conducive to dragging sheep across it, this is your study. Although correlation does not imply causation, people who listen to country music do in fact suffer from higher rates of suicide. While certainly not perfect, this study does lend it some legitimacy. Apparently comparable velocities can be attained in both media.

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