The Deathly Hallows are actually a set of three magical objects, given to the Peverell Brothers (who were great wizards) by Death himself. The Resurrection Stone, The Cloak of Invisibility, and the Elder Wand. Each of these objects was passed down to the next generation of each brother, the Resurrection Stone eventually landing in the hands of Lord Voldemort (when he took it from his maternal Grandfather) until it was possessed by Albus Dumbledore. The Cloak of Invisibility was passed directly down the family line to Harry Potter, who was given the other two Deathly Hallows by Dumbledore and used them to defeat Voldemort in The Battle of Hogwarts in 1998. During the battle, the Resurrection stone was lost, and after the battle, Harry chose to hide the Elder Wand. It is assumed the Cloak of Invisibility will be passed to one of his children.   Yes kids, Tom Riddle and Harry ARE RELATED. cough The Apple was inscribed with the word “kallisti,” which translated into “For the Fairest.” And so the guests of the wedding fought among themselves, each thinking the apple was intended for them. In the end, three goddesses were left fighting – Aphrodite, goddess of beauty; Hera, goddess of women and beauty; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. Aphrodite bribed the judge, Paris, to give her the Apple and proclaim her the fairest by promising him the love of Helen of Sparta. After the Apple was awarded, Helen fell in love with Paris and became Helen of Troy (and we all know how that ended…The Trojan war, that’s how it ended). The moral of this story? Don’t anger the cleverest lady, or she’ll come to your party with magic fruit. Pair Dadeni, or the Cauldron of Rebirth, is from Welsh Mythology. The Pair Dadeni belonged to a pair of giants, Llasar Llaes Gyfnewid and his wife, Cymydei Cymeinfoll, who gave it to the Welsh King Bendigeidfran (Bran the Blessed) in return for his hospitality when they were fleeing Ireland. The Pair Dadeni was then given to Matholwch, King of Ireland, when he married King Bendigeidfran’s sister, Branwen. Mathlowch was a jerk and treated Branwen poorly, so her brothers came and kicked some butt, and long story short, the Irish were throwing their dead into the Pair Dadeni during the battle, but they rose without the power of speech…so..probably zombies…Eventually one of Branwen’s brothers, Efnisien, cleverly got himself thrown into the cauldron alive and destroyed it from the inside. And that is the sad story of the Zombie Cauldron of Welsh Mythology. Don’t be a jerk, or people will destroy your magical zombie machine. Kvasir literally knew everything. There was no question in the nine worlds that he could not answer. Two Dwarves named Fjalar and Galar invited the uber-wise Kvasir over to hang out and killed him and drained his blood, mixed it with honey, and turned it into Mead, which, when drunk, turned the drinker into a poet or scholar. This is why people don’t like Dwarves. Seriously, who does that?  

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