Most of these tweets maybe get one or two reposts, if any. Then there are those who post something that gets retweeted thousands or even millions of times. This could happen to anyone: from celebrities to average Joes. They post asking for charity, mentioning giveaways, or even asking for chicken nuggets (yes, one guy really did this). If you’re curious about the most popular tweets that have been widely shared, look no further. Here are the 25 most retweeted tweets. He was making dinner and his pet iguana had other plans for the food. It was retweeted 662,221 times. Pets doing silly things equals retweets. A lot of people were outraged by this. It was later said that the reason Saleh was kicked off the plane was because of his antics, and not because he was speaking Arabic. In any case, his tweet was retweeted 721,605 times. We guess there are a lot of dog lovers in the world because it was retweeted 798,473 times. It was sent after he won his second election. It was retweeted 865,411 times. It was retweeted 778,320 times. This time, they tweeted a short video of a man acting silly and dancing. It was retweeted 916,116 times. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. It’s okay to act a little silly sometimes. The picture was tweeted 966,585 times. The tweet he was trying to beat had 5.3 million retweets. Oh, so close! Not really. Oh, by the way, the government will be calling you to tell you that because you’ve been such a good citizen they want to give you some money as well. They just need your social, account number, birthday, address, email passwords. It was retweeted 983,026 times. For instance, @nicholastmusic made this tweet: We guess his advice was taken seriously … well, by some people at least. The post went viral and was retweeted over 700,000 times. It’s nice when people support others’ efforts. It makes the world a nicer place. It went viral and was shared 714,754 times. Bennington committed suicide and it devastated the music world, but his music lives on. Obviously very distraught Grande took to Twitter and posted this: The post was retweeted 989,946 times. It was retweeted 999,445 times. Almost made it to one million! @BTS_twt did the challenge as well and their video was shared 1,027,081 times. It was retweeted 1,022,086 times. Due to the fact that the Golden State Warriors won, we don’t think anyone got a t-shirt from Randall. It was tweeted 1,067,923 times. The birthday tweet was reposted 1,208,036 times. It was by Spanish YouTuber El Rubius. It was reposted 2,585,745 times. The viral tweet was retweeted 3,207,778 times. The post on the video said, “Me as a mother.” It was reposted over 700,000 times. Hey, who doesn’t love chicken nuggets? Well, maybe not chickens … and people who don’t eat meat, but chicken nuggets are pretty darn tasty. This endorsement of an Indonesian presidential candidate was retweeted 992,686 times. It went viral and was retweeted 4,428,622 times.

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